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The IUCN estimates that more than 42,100 species are threatened with extinction worldwide, which is 28% of all species yet assessed. ( Mentioned in the I.U.C.N. Red Data Book. )

 Large plants

The world's largest plants are the largest plant communities based on their height and stem girth.

Tallest tree: 

The tallest trees in the world are the coast redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) and the giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum). The tallest living coast redwood tree so far found is about 115 feet tall.

Largest tree by volume:

The General Sherman tree See the picture above), a giant sequoia in California's Sequoia National Park, is often considered the largest tree by volume. It has a circumference of about 31 feet.

Largest leaves: 

The leaves of the giant lily (Victoria amazonica) are the largest in the plant succession, with some leaves up to 3 meters in diameter.

Largest bamboo:

Bamboo, a plant of the grass family, also grows very large. The Guinness World Record for the tallest bamboo is the 40m tall bamboo.

These examples illustrate the great diversity of plants in the world.
It's amazing how those conditions vary from branch to branch.
Read the notes below and know more about it.

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