Rocks are loose compounds of minerals ranging from large blocks to small pebbles. Rocks are everything from small dust particles to large stones and pebbles that make up the Earth's surface.
Scientists say that 99% of the Earth's weight is made up of rocks.
Classification of rocks.
Earth's rocks are divided into three main types for ease of study. that is,
1. Igneous rocks (Eg: Granite).
2. Sedimentary rocks (Eg: Limestone)
3. Metamorphic rocks (Eg: Marble).
They form the earth's crust, which is of geological importance based on their various mineral compositions.
Igneous rocks
Igneous rocks are formed by the molten and liquefied rocks under the earth's crust coming to the surface through cracks, fissures and openings in the earth's crust with the internal pressure and then cooling and solidifying quickly. They are then spread over the Earth's surface with a coarse-grained texture.
Eg: Granite
Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocks are formed over time by various erosive activities (flowing water, wind, ocean waves, etc.) broken into small pieces, dissolved, transported to the outside and deposited in a low ground, a river valley, a narrow river. There, various mineral and organic particles are collected, compressed and formed. They are rocks like limestone and sandstone with different texture and composition. Fossils contained in these rocks can reveal valuable clues about Earth's past, including evidence of geological history.
eg: Limestone
Metamorphic rocks
Metamorphic rocks are formed by underground igneous and sedimentary rocks subjected to intense temperature and pressure for a long time, thus changing the color, texture, and mineral composition of the rocks. They are highly resistant, corrosion resistant,
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